Kicking off this week with photos from one of my baby showers!
Here’s a fun fact you might not know about me: I really dislike being the center of attention. Actually, the night of our wedding rehearsal, I asked our priest to please please make sure they put our two chairs off the altar and to the side so we wouldn’t be stared at the whole time. Walking down the aisle I almost had a heart attack because right there, smack in the viewpoint of everyone in the church, were two chairs up on the altar. (I quickly got over it because I was so excited to be sitting next to T that it didn’t really matter anymore, but oh boy, for a split second I almost fell down!)
When it came time to plan a baby shower, my sisters asked what I wanted to do. For a variety of reasons I ended up having two baby showers: One was at my sister’s condo and the guest list was mostly family members, and the second was in Boston at a brand new restaurant’s roof deck, with close friends in attendance.
Today I’m sharing photos from my “friends shower” which was held at a friend’s new restaurant, Cunard Tavern in East Boston. (If you’re in the area, definitely go check it out!)
Our Cute Baby Shower in Boston

Baby Shower in Boston Details:
Venue: Cunard Tavern, East Boston, MA
Photos: Shawn Callan of Callan Photography
Dress: c/o Pinkblush Maternity
congrats! it looked like you had a gorgeous day as well:)