Our baby is coming up on her first birthday and I have been mulling over what to do for her first party. There are so many cute and creative first birthday party themes out there! I don’t know if we’ll do a big party or just a family dinner, to be honest. We have a lot going on right now with 3 kids, building a new house, and just life! But I did big parties for our older two so I feel like I should do a big one for our youngest as well. You know how that mom guilt gets you… Regardless of what we end up doing, I may incorporate something from one of these first birthday party themes because they’re just so cute.
Creative First Birthday Party Themes
A first birthday party is such a good excuse to go overboard. A baby’s first year of life is such a wild ride, from birth (however they arrive in your life!) to teething to learning to crawl or walk and getting teeth. There is so much growth, not just for your little one but for you as a parent, too!
Very Hungry Caterpillar
Based on a well-loved children’s book, this birthday party theme is colorful and fun! You can do so much with a Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar theme, from “dirt” pudding cups to fruit skewers and a colorful balloon arch. Or you could choose whichever book your child loves and put your own spin on it for their birthday party!

You’re Our Magical ONE
I love how simple this party actually is but it looks really well put together. Playing cards on the tables, shooting star cupcake picks, and some colorful crepe paper, and you’re done.

Party by Twinkle Twinkle Little Party
Beary First Birthday
Teddy bears are such an iconic stuffed animal for babies, so why not turn it into a first birthday party theme! I love how this blogger made her child’s birthday party bear-themed. I probably would have gone with more color myself, but it’s a very calming color palette.

Wild ONE
A very easy party theme is “wild ONE” where you incorporate jungle animals into the decor. I love the little party hats on the cake topper! And if you wanted to do a balloon garland, you can do one in greens and other colors and just add large cut out leaves to make it look more jungle-ish.

Your Berry First Birthday or Berry Sweet ONE
I love this party theme for a fruit-loving baby. The cake below is just ADORABLE with the picnic basket! (And the bow around the bottom… I can’t handle how much I love that.) You could even go with the picnic theme and do picnic blankets in the yard instead of higher tables, especially if you’re inviting families with a lot of kids.

Party by Ashley Brooke Nicholas
First Trip Around the Sun (space theme)

All of these parties actually have over-the-top decorations. (I mean, they’re on party-focused blogs so that makes sense). You really don’t need to go crazy for a first birthday party (our daughter’s first birthday was very very simple and it was so much fun!). All that matters is you are celebrating making it through that first year. Whatever theme you choose, it’ll be perfect if it reflects your family!
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