Do you set seasonal goals? I always do, even if I don’t always get through them all! I like having something written down that I can check off.
Inbox Zero – I have NEVER been able to achieve this! I’ve had the same personal email address since college. I started my marketing career working in email marketing, so I started subscribing to pretty much every company’s emails to see what they were doing. Even after using Unroll to roll up over 1,000 emails, my inbox is flooded. The problem with this is that I can sometimes miss emails that might be important. SO. I’m starting out with 4,152 emails in my inbox. These are (unfortunately) just the “new” emails aka ones I haven’t yet opened. The goal is to get that number to 0 and then I’ll work on cleaning out the ones that I’ve opened/read/responded to.
Weekend Getaway – Something that used to be so easy to do seems like a much bigger ordeal with a baby! T and I are planning a short weekend getaway while I’m still on maternity leave from my full-time job. I’m not sure yet where we’re going, but it will either be a short flight (2 hours max) or a drive that is less than 3 hours.
Get my Body Back – I gained 55 lbs with E, so it’s no surprise that 5 weeks after giving birth I’m still working on losing the weight. While I know some moms hit the gym right away, I’m waiting until my 6 week appointment to be cleared to work out. I’ve already identified a couple of workouts I want to get into. One is pilates, which I was doing before Baby; then there’s spin, which is the best cardio workout I think I’ve ever gotten; and there’s also a mom-focused stroller workout that I want to try out because I can bring E with me. I’m not sure what to expect with that last one, but it’s worth a shot! At this point, I have 29 lbs to go!
Streamline Wardrobe – This is something else I’ve wanted to do for a while. I have my basics, and I’ve invested in some denim that I love (though I can’t wear it right now…). And then I have some pieces that I’ve randomly purchased because I just adored them or I thought I would change my style to fit them in. Well, surprise – that didn’t happen, and now there are a few things in my closet that have tags on them and there’s only a slim chance I’ll ever wear them. I need to get my butt in gear and either bring them to consignment or drop them off to be donated.
Then there’s my chest of drawers, which is chock full of who knows what! Now that I’m a mom, I feel like I need to slim down what I have and what I wear. I also just want to cut through the clutter so I can easily pull ANYTHING out of a drawer and put it on and feel good in it!
Wish me luck on these fall goals! I’ll be updating my progress at the end of the season!
What is unroll? My inbox is out of control!
It takes all of your promotional emails (or whatever you want) and puts them into ONE big email to send you each day – it’s awesome! is their website.