Whether you’re at home with more than one kiddo or are just trying to find fun things to do to keep your preschooler occupied while you take a work call (no judgement here), here are 5 fun activities you can do at home with your preschooler. These are my go-to activities when it’s too hot (or cold) to go outside!
5 fun activities for when it’s too hot (or cold) to go outside
- Make a card and send it to someone. Your preschooler can help put on the stamp and a sticker to seal the envelope. Talk about the numbers on the front of the envelope, or the letters, or whatever they’re interested in. And then take it to the mailbox! Going to the mailbox is basically an outing at our house on some days. Bonus points if it’s nice enough outside (and at the right time) that you can sit and wait to watch the mailman take it.
- Paint handprints on paper and turn it into animals. I should buy stock in Crayola, because we go through the washable paints constantly! There’s something intriguing to little ones about getting their hands messy (maybe because we’re always telling them to wash their hands?) so let them paint their palm and fingers, and then press down on construction paper. Add wings, eyes, etc. and turn their handprints into animals (real or imaginary).
- Turn on music and have a 5 minute dance party. Our favorites are the Moana and Frozen soundtracks
- Art on canvas. Again, more washable paints here! I always have small canvases on hand, and when the kids need something to do that’s a little *different* I’ll break out the washable paints and let them make a painting. We have a wall of their art in the basement play room, but I’ve also framed paintings and hung them in the kids’ bathroom!
- Ice painting. Make your own ice paints with powdered tempera paint and water in a popsicle mold, or you could probably even use food coloring! Then “paint” with the frozen paint popsicles (which are just for painting, not eating!) for a fun watercolor project.
What are your favorite activities for preschoolers?

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