One question I get a lot is “How do I start a blog?”
My 5 tips for how to start a blog
1. Just start
First and foremost – you just need to start. It doesn’t matter if you’ve chosen a name for your blog, bought a domain (a www.), set up social media… you just need to start. Those things can come later. What you need to do is just get writing. Whether you’re sharing outfit photos and inspiration, DIYs, or anything else, just go for it!
Once you’ve been blogging for a solid 5-10 posts, and you have decided that you could actually maybe continue doing this, then you can decide on a name. (Unless, of course, a blog name comes to you and you have already set that up!)
I actually would not suggest setting up a domain name until you’ve gotten into a good rhythm and that you are sure you want to actually do this.
If you do want to get a domain of your own, I suggest going through I’ve heard some horror stories from other domain name companies, but I’ve (fingers crossed) never really had a problem. (Sidenote: Some bloggers have blogged for years with a web address, so you don’t absolutely have to have a .com!)
2. Test out different platforms to find your audience
I blogged for years on Blogger (Google’s blogging product) before finally switching over to WordPress, and I honestly don’t know why I didn’t switch over sooner. WordPress makes things so easy and gives you a lot more flexibility in what you can do with your site. That’s not to say that Blogger is bad – on the contrary, many “top” bloggers have used the platform for years before switching over to something else!
Regarding social media platforms, most bloggers have 2 or 3 platforms they focus on. (I post often to Instagram Stories, Twitter, and Instagram. I post about once a week to Facebook.) After that, many use a program like Hootsuite or Buffer to autoschedule posts so they still have a presence but don’t have to spend a ton of time on each platform. I also LOVE Tailwind to schedule Pinterest posts. It cycles through your pins and reposts them to boards you choose, keeping your content visible.
3. Write about what you love
Some people will tell you that you need to have a defined niche for your blog, meaning that you only share outfits or DIYs or interiors. I’ve found that the bloggers I follow the longest, who I read the most and keep coming back to, are bloggers who do a little bit of everything. They share pieces of their personal lives alongside the outfits and the travel and the living room restyles. My biggest piece of advice here is to do what makes you happy. Because isn’t that why you’re blogging anyway? 🙂
4. Schedules and things
I don’t agree that you need to put yourself on a strict schedule for blogging, especially if you’re working a full-time job or taking care of a family (or both!). I do, however, think that you need to be consistent. Whether that means posting once a week or posting three times a week, your readers will start to expect that you are there when you have been in the past, so keep that up. If you’re just starting out and aren’t sure how much time you can devote to blogging, try posting just once or twice a week!
5. Photography
… is a make or break for most blogs. This is an area to be consistent, too – whether you share iPhone shots in the mirror or have pro photos done, try to stay consistent with what you choose! This is another area where things have changed a lot over the years. Instagram used to be a place where people shared in-the-moment shots, and now almost every single blogger shares professional photos only.
That said, there are SO many good resources for learning photography tricks on your own! Try Pinterest or look for a local photography class. I’ve taken one in Boston that I would highly recommend!
For photo editing, you don’t need pro software. I love the Afterlight and Lightroom phone apps, but Snapseed is a good one too!
Do you have any blogging questions? Comment below or tweet me!
I originally published this post in January 2017 but have gotten a bunch of questions and decided to update and repost! I hope this helps if you’re interested in starting a blog.
Loving all of these blogging tips!