About two months ago, my husband and I picked up Annie, the sweetest shaggy girl to make her way from Tennessee to Boston. We had her for about two weeks when we got great news – she was headed to her forever home! (Sprout was thrilled, because that meant he could take back his normal positions on the couch, in the bed, and glued to my side.)
Annie left on a Sunday and I cried, because I had gotten pretty attached to her in that short period of time, but I was thrilled for her new life. But then on Tuesday we heard that she was coming back to the rescue, and I jumped at the chance to take her back in. That Sunday (just five days after coming back to us), she was off to her real forever home, conveniently with my cousins who live just about half an hour from us. Though she only lived with us for three weeks, I learned a lot from her. It’s incredible what rescue animals go through sometimes, and though we don’t know full back story, I love seeing updated photos of her and her “kids” in her new life.
1. Even if you’re way out of your comfort zone, find something that makes you happy.
Because we had a wedding on the day transport arrived in New England, another rescue volunteer picked Annie up and hung out with her for the day. Then, we went to pick her up and brought her home, where she met Sprout. After two days on a transport van, followed by a bunch of new people and two different houses, Annie just wanted to be hugged (seriously). She went through a lot, but getting a hug made her happy. What’s that one thing that makes you happy?
2. Trust.
3. If it’s meant to be, it will be!
Wow. It's crazy what foster dogs go through — poor cutie! I'm glad she found a home! It isn't always easy unfortunately 🙁 How did you get into fostering pups?
It's something I've wanted to do since we got Sprout, who was in a foster from birth until we got him at 4 months. It was such a great first fostering experience!
I love this! I've been wanting to get a dog, but maybe fostering would be a better idea. Thanks for sharing! xx