I last vacationed in Maine around the age of 10, so it had been a hot minute. But I found a new appreciation for Kennebunkport when we visited in August with my family! My dad has been trying to make a family vacation happen for a while (aside from our normal summer trips to the Cape), so we were all pretty psyched when this worked out. Granted, my older sister had a baby the prior week and was unable to join us for our Maine vacation, we’re still counting it a win!
I was hoping for nice weather the week we were in Maine, and it was pretty perfect. Every morning we got up and went down to breakfast, where E enjoyed blueberry pancakes every. single. day. Then we’d head over to the pool until it was naptime because #toddlerlife. After E’s nap, we’d walk downtown, maybe get a snack, shop, or just enjoy the harbor views. We ate dinner down in Kennebunkport Village pretty much every night, and then we’d make our way back to the hotel.
^ some light reading during apps at dinner
what a sunset this was!
Amanda’s dress | my white dress (only $25!)
There was only one day that rained, so we couldn’t do our usual pool/downtown routine. Instead, my husband found a trolley museum nearby, and I am not sure who was more excited about it, him or our daughter…. (Spoiler: it was him)
Kennebunkport is adorable and has something for everyone. My sister’s husband had to stay back because of work, so she brought one of her good friends in his place. They enjoyed the pool during the day and at night, the bar scene, finding some nice cocktails (and better views) during the week.
I’m going to do a separate post on where we stayed because otherwise this post will be overloaded with photos.
Have you ever been to Maine?
Paul & I go to Maine ALL the time. I was born in Portland so it has special meaning to me. We always stay at the Anchorage Inn in York but last month we also stayed 1 night at the Kennebunkport Inn (as we always go there for the day and dinner) Alison’s restaurant is spectacular – we are huge fish eaters and the 3 days was amazing. We are going back for another 3 days the week before Michael’s wedding
We didn’t make it to Alison’s but I’ll put it on my list for next time!