We redid our guest room not too long ago, and my neutral-focused room turned into the “travel room” (you can see more pictures here). T and I travel quite a bit, so at our wedding we had a map of the world and asked our guests to sign their name where they thought we should go next. (I think some of the older people were slightly confused, as we got middle-of-nowhere China and smack in the middle of the ocean as suggestions.)
We finally hung the map in our guest room once our cork board arrived, and it was so fun to put pins in the places we have been together. The white pins are a little hard to see (there are three in Thailand that you can’t see well in this photo!), so I may replace them with another color. We’re also planning to put pins for where each of us has traveled separately, and then where we want to go.
Where do you think we should go next?
This is such a cute idea!
I sent an email, but I thought I’d post here in case. I am writing a blog post and was hoping to use one of your photos for it with a link back to this page. Is that alright? If not, just let me know and I will make sure not to include it!