It has been 14.5 months since I became “Mama” to E. I feel like this little one taught me a lot even before she was born, when I spent time reading all of the pregnancy books. (Here’s a fun fact: Reading every book can’t prepare you for motherhood realities.) I didn’t expect motherhood to be a constant learning experience, but as she grows and changes, I feel like I’m learning more and more, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Take risks.
Whether she’s climbing on an ottoman or attempting to walk down the stairs rather than crawl, this girl takes risks (and it gives me a heart attack each time). She might fall, she might get a little boo boo; but that might also be the day she figures it all out.
Ask for help.
I like to do things on my own, in my own way. Having a baby has taught me many things, but one of the major epiphanies I had months ago was that I needed to ask for help. I remember talking to my mother-in-law and she told me that she had no idea that I felt like I was essentially drowning, trying to work and be a mom and manage the household, too. Since then, I’ve learned to ask for help when I need it.
It’s okay to let people know how you feel.
I’ve had a fear of upsetting authority figures my entire life (another post for another day), and because of that I’ve worked hard to hide my true feelings during certain moments. But E is quite the opposite. As with most toddlers, she will let. you. know. when she is upset, if you’ve removed something that she wanted in her line of sight, if you are not cooling off her pasta fast enough. She has no problem communicating her feelings. I strive to be more like this (not in all situations, obviously) because – let’s face it – holding in all of your feelings just isn’t good.
Sometimes all you need is a big hug.
Whether it’s because she “did a boom” or is cutting a tooth, my girl loves a good hug. She does the sweetest thing where, when she wants a hug and you pick her up for one, she will pat you on the back. It melts my heart each time.
You have to laugh.
You guys, E has THE BEST laugh. I’m talking real, hearty, full-out, belly laugh. It’s heard most often when we’re tickling her, when Sprout is paying attention to her, and when she has discovered some new game. It is by far the best sound in the entire world. I am so, so thankful that she shares her laugh with us. It brings so much joy!
What have you learned recently that stuck with you?
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