For those who are new here, T is my husband of 2 years. We lived together for a while before we got married (that’s another story for another time), and I thought it would be fun to tell you a little about how we got together. I love hearing the story that goes along with, “Where did you meet?” so here’s ours!
We actually didn’t meet in person for a couple of months – every exchange we had in the beginning was via company email, and it was all work-related. For all I knew, he could have been 65 years old.
I’ll spare you the details of how we met and fell for each other, but it involved a bar crawl. On Valentine’s Day. With a huge group of coworkers.
Also, I was wearing an Ed Hardy t-shirt.
In the early days when we were just dating, we would go out for lunch. T would pick me up at my desk, and sometimes we’d take a mid-afternoon break to play a few rounds of Connect Four. (This probably sounds really, really weird if you work in a conservative office, but our company had a very startup feel to it, so it was totally normal to have games in your work area or to go out for Starbucks in the afternoon!)
It turned out that we only lived about a half mile from each other in Boston. Looking back, it seems like once we started dating we were pretty much inseparable!
When T started looking to invest in a house and stop renting in the city, I helped him pick out the house we live in now. About 6 months after he moved in, I moved in, too. A couple of months later, we got Sprout. I can’t believe that was over 5 years ago!
When we got engaged, we were still working at the same company. (Miraculously, in the 5+ years I was there, we never once worked directly on the same projects.)
Talking about work at home was a natural thing for us to do: We knew the same people, and we heard the same gossip (or could fill each other in if the other hadn’t heard yet).
But once I left the company, I was surprised at how refreshing it felt to explain to T a project I was working on, how my new company worked, and even to describe the new characters in my day-to-day. And while T’s work world has changed a little, mine has changed a lot: Going from a full-time position to working as a contractor, having a couple of “first days” and navigating a new commute a couple of times.
I’m glad I no longer work in the same building as my husband. Sure, it’s much more convenient to be able to commute to work together, eat lunch together sometimes, or swing by each other’s desks to drop off an afternoon coffee; but I’m glad that I made the changes that I did! It allowed us to separate our work lives from our personal lives a bit more.
…which gives us an excuse to take more epic vacations like the one we just went on.
Oh, in case you were wondering, I no longer own anything Ed Hardy. (Though that’s a change that happened a while ago!)
Where did you meet your spouse? Any other work couples out there? 😉
Also: Our wedding parts one and two // More about Sprout
We met in college. I had just had a broken engagement and was not interested in anyone. We had a lot of mutual friends. My T had started hanging around and my impression was “nice guy, not my type”. I thought he was interested in someone else until he asked me out. He was my rebound relationship which supposedly never work. We dated for 2 years and celebrate our 33rd anniversary in January.
Such a nice post. I love “how’d you meet?” posts as well!
I met my man through mutual friends-it was a total blind date. Two and a half years later; we now have a baby, two cats and are engaged 🙂
So cute! Me and my boyfriend met at work too! It was in high school and we worked at an ice cream stand.