I initially put together this baby registry checklist after having our first baby. And now that I am just a few weeks from having our THIRD, I’m sharing my baby registry checklist of must haves for what you absolutely must have with a newborn. (I’ll update the list as time goes on, too!) Print this out if it’s helpful, because I’m going through everything from stroller to clothing to sound machines and other gadgets.
I should also note that every baby is different, and every family is different. Something that one family “must have” doesn’t necessarily mean your family must have it too! But I’ve spent a lot of time with different baby products, and I’m hoping all of my research will help you in some way.
Moms (and Dads!)… here is your baby registry checklist of sorts:
Baby Registry Checklist for Your First Baby
If this is your first baby, you’ll want to register for clothing in a variety of sizes. Babies grow FAST and that means you’ll be putting away the small sizes before you know it! If you’re having a baby shower, people will probably bring you gifts of baby clothing anyway- but it’s great to put stuff on your registry so you can keep track of what you have and what you need.
The most popular styles of clothing for babies:
- Onesies (5-10)
- Leggings (5-10)
- Footed pajamas (5-7)
- Non-footed pajamas (5-7)
- Socks (10 pairs)
- Light sweater or zip-up (2-3)
- Sun hat (just 1 is fine)
- Swimsuit (1-2)
- Snowsuit with mittens if you live somewhere cold
Specifically for newborns, here’s what you will want to have out and ready when the baby comes:
- Kimono-style tops: Needed especially the first two weeks because you don’t want anything to rub on the baby’s umbilical cord stump while it’s healing. I like the half-top, but they also come in a full onesie style. You can sometimes get these from the hospital so you don’t necessarily need to buy your own!
- Swaddles: These pod swaddles are perfect for babies who don’t need to be swaddled extremely tight, and they make middle-of-the-night diaper changes super easy. For babies who need to be swaddled tightly, these tighter swaddles are the best. We used both in the beginning because we weren’t sure what our baby wanted! Swaddle blankets are also great to have because you can use them as swaddles for sleeping or as a stroller blanket. If you want a no-nonsense swaddle, the one by the maker of the SNOO is probably the best. They call it the 5-Second Swaddle for a reason!
- Swaddles for 3 months+: For a baby who loves the feeling of being swaddled but can roll, you’ll want something that lets them have their hands. We love this swaddle in stage 2 “transition”. The one zipper makes it SO easy!
- Footed onesies with zippers (aka “sleep n play”): These footies are one of our favorites, and they’re often on sale (you’ll probably also want the fleece version if you’re having a winter baby!). You’ll start to despise snaps during late night diaper changes, so make sure you have enough with zippers. If you’re tall and expect to have a baby who is tall, you’ll want to shop this brand of baby sleepers, which tend to run long and lean.
- Gowns also make diaper changes really easy!
- Short-sleeve onesies to put under outfits for extra warmth for fall and winter babies! (And long-sleeve onesies to wear with a sweater)
Items to skip: You only need one or two cotton hats. (You won’t need more than that!) We never used the mittens we purchased. Our baby wanted her hands on her face all the time! Except we did have a pair of winter mittens we used when it was chilly.
- Crib (You can see the crib we chose in this nursery reveal post): There are so many different kinds of cribs to choose from. This baby gear review website has reviews that are super helpful!
- Don’t forget to register for a crib mattress, waterproof crib mattress cover, and sheets (these Burts Bees sheets are our favorite so far).
- If you have a multi-story house, this baby bassinet is very helpful to keep on the other floor for a safe place for the baby to be, especially if you have other kids or pets.
You might also want to see
SNOO Baby Bassinet: An In-Depth + Honest Review
- Changing table or dresser with changing topper (our choice to save space in a small nursery) and changing pad, changing table covers (our favorites). The first week we were home we did so much laundry that I ordered these cover liners, too. They wash easily (and I hang them to dry).
- Diapers! and wipes, cream for diaper rash (we use this diaper rash cream). We also keep Water Wipes in the nursery because they’re great for cleaning off the baby’s face if necessary.
Good to know: We have found that Pampers are better sized for skinny babies, where Huggies have more width to them. Because our first little one was skinny and long, we were a Pampers Swaddlers family for a long time. Then we found Costco’s Kirkland brand, and that’s what we have been buying ever since. They fit similarly to Pampers. - Diaper caddy: Unless you’re planning to have a changing station on both floors of your house (we didn’t), you’ll need a caddy to bring diapers, wipes, creams, etc. so everything is within reach!
- Diaper pail:
1. We love this Ubbi one, because a) there’s no smell outside of it and b) it uses regular tall kitchen trash bags, meaning you don’t have to try to remember to replace cartridges when you run out. Just grab a bag from the kitchen! (We love these scented trash bags for the nursery.)
2. The Dekor diaper pail is pretty great, too. I actually did a side by side of the Ubbi vs. Dekor diaper pails in this post.
3. If you don’t mind buying the refill packs (vs. just having regular trash bags) for a diaper pail, the Diaper Genie is probably the way to go. It contains the MOST smell of all the diaper pails I’ve tried. - Rocking chair/glider with ottoman OR recliner: At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted a chair and ottoman because our baby’s room is fairly small, but we use it SO much that it has been worth having. Though after 2 babies (and looking towards a third joining us soon!), I would probably switch it out for a recliner if I could.
- Noise machine (this noise machine is super popular for a reason). Plus we love the Sleep Sheep, too, which is easy to take with you if you travel (and it runs on batteries, so it’s great for the car). You’ll also definitely want to download the “Baby Shusher” app, which is probably my favorite baby app of them all. IYKYK.
Note: Keep a case of water bottles in the nursery, especially if that’s where you go to feed/change baby at night. You’ll be extra thirsty if you’re breastfeeding, and if you’re formula feeding you might want to grab a water, too!
Items to skip: Wipes warmer (I was told by a friend that it only dried out their wipes), crib bumpers (they’re beautiful to look at but safe sleep guidelines say you shouldn’t have anything in the crib with your baby for the first year, including decorative crib bumpers. Just a crib mattress, fitted sheet, and your baby should be in the crib at sleep times!

- Light stroller: This caddy version is great for when the baby is still in an infant car seat, and you can easily transfer the baby from the car onto the caddy to go shopping or for a walk. I LOVE this, because it’s light enough that I can fold it up with one hand and put it back in the car. (Note: If you plan to hang a lot on the stroller handle bar, it could be too heavy and tip the stroller over, so just be careful!) Keep in mind: If you have a c-section, you have to be careful about how much you’re lifting, so a light stroller frame (vs. a full size stroller) would be a great option to have.
- Heavier stroller: We also have this stroller, and I added an attachment to put the car seat on it. It is not quite as light for maneuvering in and out of stores, but it’s great for walks outdoors. It’s also a heavier stroller, so I can hang more on the hook (see below) without worrying about tipping the stroller. AND it converts to a double.
Here’s how we store our strollers in the garage on a special wall organization system
Must-have Stroller Accessories
- Hook: Awesome for attaching bags while you’re out shopping!
- Stroller organizer: I see this on pretty much every stroller, so it’s a definite must-have! It easily holds your water bottle, keys, phone, etc.
- Car seat cover: For when you’re out with the baby but don’t want anyone touching him/her, or if you are going somewhere with bright lights and want to make sure Baby doesn’t wake up from the lights.
You may also be interested in
Easy Garage Stroller Organization for Multiple Strollers
Baby Gear You Need
- Car seat (the car seat we have was highly rated for safety): Think about getting a second base if you have two cars (so you don’t have to always be moving the base back and forth between cars). If you have a winter baby, this cover keeps the baby nice and warm! We have this blanket and use it constantly for extra warmth in the car seat. I also love this blanket (my favorite!) for snuggling up.
- Bassinet: Include the newborn insert, as well as the caddy for the outside where you can store burp cloths, wipes, an extra onesie… anything you might need in the middle of the night that you don’t want to go hunting for. The bassinet is awesome because it swivels around, so you can actually swivel it over your bed for ease in the middle of the night. (I didn’t think of this when I put together my baby registry, but you’ll also need separate sheets for the bassinet!) If you’re getting the Snoo, don’t forget to get extra swaddle sacks.
- Baby monitor: There are SO many options out there. Here are the baby monitors we have used and my thoughts on each! Plus a full breakdown of the Nanit monitor and if it’s worth buying.
- Bouncer seat: At first my husband couldn’t understand why we needed so many different seats for the baby, but we both quickly learned that Baby sometimes gets bored where she is and needs to move. We added the bouncer toy bar, which Baby started to use at around two months old. I’ve used this bouncer seat with all three of my babies, and I would count it as a baby “must have.”
- Swing: We really love using the swing, which has 5 different swing speeds (side to side), two sets of music, plus a mobile that spins and goes up and down.
- Activity mat: The one we have has a variety of “activities” – crinkle noises, rattle noises, squeakers, jingles, mirrors. We also started to use this piano mat after a couple of months, and our baby has loved it! The piano is even removable for use into the toddler years.
- Diaper bag: I have this one, which looks like a bag I would carry if it was just a regular tote. I love the gold zippers, and it has both inner and outer pockets. The only problem is even with inner pockets it gets disorganized inside, so think about using separate pouches for each item (diapers and wipes, extra clothing, pacifiers, hand pump, etc.). Keep in mind though- if you’re more of a backpack person, you don’t need to have a diaper bag per se. Just use whatever bag works for you!
- Portable changing station: It’s amazing how many public places don’t have a changing table, and even if they do you will want to put something down to protect Baby. This portable changing station folds easily and can go right in your diaper bag.
- Night lights: Something I didn’t think about until later, you’ll need nightlights because you will be getting up in the middle of the night for a couple of months at least. I like these because they automatically go on and off based on whether or not it’s light or dark out.
- Wrap baby carrier: Our baby was only a little over 6 pounds when we came home, and at two months she was still too small for most carriers. (Many require Baby to be at least 12 pounds.) The baby wrap was awesome for going on walks when we didn’t want to use the stroller. We also registered for this carrier, which is really lightweight and easy to use.
- Travel crib
- Playard for the house
- Teether: My favorite are the little banana teether, fruits, or carrot teether. Babies love them and they’re adorable to look at!
- Gates! It sounds crazy when they’re a newborn (and stay put when you put them down), but quickly they start moving and you’ll need gates to secure any area that could be dangerous. Stairs especially need a good baby gate. We have this pressure mounted one (with these Wall Nanny add ons) and it’s been great.
Feeding Checklist
Note: I’m breastfeeding, so this is from the perspective of what you’ll need while breastfeeding your baby!
- Manual pump: The second week at home, I ordered the manual Medela pump on Amazon. Our baby will often only eat on one side and be done, so I can easily pump the other (especially if it’s in the early hours of the morning). It’s also handy to take with you if you’ll be gone from the house for a while! I also have a pump with a motor, but I use the manual version just as much! Don’t forget: You can get a free pump through your insurance. The Spectra and Medela are both super popular. I also love the Elvie wearable pump for one that lets you walk around and get stuff done without being attached to wires!
- Bottle brush: You’ll need a brush that is separate from the one you use to clean your dishes. (There is also a travel version which I highly recommend.)
- Bottle sanitizer: You have to sanitize your bottles, pacifiers, pump parts, etc. before you use them, which can be kind of a pain. BUT this bottle sanitizer is awesome – put it in the microwave for 5 minutes and you’re done! (Anything that saves time is a win!) Or just skip this, and you can put everything in the dishwasher on a sanitize cycle.
- Drying rack: I like this version that is multi-layered so it keeps more off the counter if you are dealing with a small kitchen or just don’t want everything spread out.
- Bottles: We used these baby bottles and these baby bottles too. Both work well for us! Babies can be very particular, so you can always order a bottle sample pack from Babylist to try out a few different kinds.

- Feeding pillow: I wasn’t entirely sure if I would need a Boppy, but it helps save your back from unnecessary pain while you’re feeding the baby. Totally worth it, if you ask me. I even brought it with me to the hospital and did so again with our second baby. (Also: waterproof cover, pretty cover)
*With our third baby I got a Naturepedic nursing pillow and would HIGHLY recommend it! It’s wider than the Boppy and much more comfortable as the baby gets bigger. It’s made of organic cotton with no harmful chemicals, and it’s soft and washable… all things you want in something that will be near your baby. - Burp cloths: And get extras, because these go missing and you always need one! These burp cloths are a favorite. If you have a child with acid reflux, you’ll need a lot of burp cloths.
- Pacifiers: You may or may not want to use these, but we do and these Avent pacifiers (2-pack) are the ones we love. They’re the ones most hospitals use, too.
- High chair: You’ll start using this around 5 or 6 months
Bathtime Checklist for your Baby Registry
- I found this little infant tub to use in the sink, and it has been great so far. One thing I love about it is that it holds a small amount of water in the bum part of the seat, so Baby can keep her bum warm 🙂
- No-tears shampoo/baby wash is a must-have!
- These baby washcloths are our favorite for bath time, and we love these hooded towels, too. You can register for them in a set, too. They wash well and hold up really well compared to everything else on the market.
- We use this lotion for post-bath, and it’s great on sensitive skin.
- Everyone told me to get the safety nail clippers, so I did. But after the first time I accidentally clipped the baby’s finger instead of her nail (with subsequent freak-out call to the doctor), I swore them off. I ordered this little electric nail file for baby off of Amazon – and it’s the ONLY thing I will use now!
- Faucet cover
Where do I make a baby registry?
I created a Target baby registry and Amazon baby registry for the essentials (to give people options). Most of our friends and family chose to go the Amazon route, just because of convenience! I also had a Pottery Barn Kids baby registry for decor and the more just-because-it’s-cute stuff! Consider where your guests live and give people options of going in-store vs. buying online.
Even though we didn’t have a baby shower with our second or third, I still did a small Amazon baby registry for the completion discount! It’s helpful to get that extra 15% off on stuff you know you need to buy, like diapers and wipes.
How many baby registries should I have?
This is totally dependent on you, but I’d say if you are going to have a traditional baby shower, aim for 2-3 registries. That way people can choose if they want to do on Amazon (super easy) or go into a store (Pottery Barn Baby, for example) to actually see the items before they purchase. Just make sure you’re putting items on just one registry so you don’t get duplicates.
How many items do I need on a baby registry list?
For your baby registry list, I would put 2 times the number of guests invited to your baby shower. BUT knowing that you can use a completion discount on your baby registry, which gives you a percentage off of most items, I would put everything you plan to purchase! When you put those items is up to you. Meaning- do you add the crib and the other big items you plan to purchase after your baby shower, so your guests don’t see those? Or do you add them first? Or put them on the baby registry list anyway in case your friends want to go in on a big group gift and buy you that stroller? Up to you!
Who has the best baby registry completion discount?
Of the places where I registered/considered creating a baby registry:
With an Amazon baby registry, you get a 15% off completion coupon to use on any remaining items (which includes diapers!). Also, once $500 of items are purchased from your registry, you get a discount of 20% on diapers (up to $60). With Target’s baby registry, you get a 15% off completion coupon to use on any remaining items that you need/want.
Moms, did I miss anything that you thought were baby registry must haves?
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Yeeeeessss to water everywhere. I love that you include stuff not to buy. So many of these baby registry lists include bits and bobs that just aren’t necessary.
A side note on the boppy – it might be nice to have 2! These days I keep one in the nursery and one in the living room, but initially I needed to sit on one and use the other to feed. That post-delivery soreness was no joke.