Like many families, ours creates a lot of mess… like, a lot. I’ve learned since having kids not to get too attached to rugs in the house because who knows when the next major spill will come. Coffee, primarily, is what gets spilled in this house, but I say “spill” in general. (Moms, you know what I’m talking about.) Add in New England weather (hello, salt and sand and snow coming in the house all the time for at least 4 months out of the year) and I definitely replace our most-high-traffic rugs more often than you think. The kitchen is one place in our home that I would consider “high traffic”. So I went on a hunt for affordable washable kitchen rugs – aka ones that can be washed in the washing machine.
Best Affordable Washable Kitchen Rugs
These are mostly runners and smaller mats, like kitchen mats or front door mats. I looked at Ruggable but for something I know I’m going to replace, $200 per runner seemed steep. So here’s what I went with instead:
In the kitchen I chose a gray runner ($30) for in front of the sink, with a floral 2×3 in front of the oven to bring in some more color. Then I got a matching gray floor mat in a 3×4 size ($20) to go in front of the door to go out back. In front of the other door in the same open space (our house has a pretty open floorplan), I used the same 3×4 rug ($20). For $90 total, I bought a runner and 3 smaller mats. All of these wash well in my normal washing machine, and then I hang them dry in the laundry room.

Where is the best place to buy an affordable washable rug for the kitchen?
You can honestly find them in a lot of places. I think Ruggable has kind of cornered the market on branding for washable rugs. BUT if you aren’t looking for a high price on something you might switch out often, like I do, you can always check the item details online to see if a rug is machine washable. I have two go-to places for rugs in my home: One is RugsUSA and the other is Target. And I always find the best prices at those two places! I also love Home Goods, but it’s hit or miss.
How do you wash a washable rug?
It probably depends on the washing machine you have, but I do mine right in the regular laundry! I always hang them dry though- I never put them in the dryer, especially if they have a rubber backing.
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