I don’t normally dedicate an entire blog post to one book (you can see roundup posts of reads I would recommend here, here, and here), but I just finished a book that was so good, I just had to share it.
Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate
This story follows a family of children from present day to their days with their parents and then their days in an orphanage. I don’t want to give too much away, but the children find themselves in a children’s home and aren’t exactly treated well. The orphanage operator is essentially running a black market for adoptions, stealing children from their families and adopting them out to wealthy couples. It’s a riveting story, jumping from present day to when these characters were children. And at the end of the book, I was surprised to learn that this particular children’s home was REAL. You can read more on Wikipedia about it – under “Tennessee Children’s Home Society”.
I stopped buying books about 3 years ago, when I realized that my local library has an app for Kindle books. (It has saved me a TON of money!) I have always been a reader, so it’s normal for me to read at least a book a month. My reading has definitely slowed down since having a baby. I still read a lot, whether it’s the newspaper or magazines or blogs, but I’m not reading a book a week anymore!
Anyway… I don’t always read books in the order I want to because I read them based on what is currently available to “check out” at that time. I keep a wish list running and when a book is available, I’ll start to read it. This book had been on my “to read” list for a few weeks when it came available. I started this book mid-week and stayed up an extra hour reading. Then I found myself reading it when E went down for a nap on a Saturday, in place of watching a show on our DVR… I just couldn’t find enough time to keep going with it! It’s rare for me to find a book that I absolutely cannot put down. I hope you’ll let me know if you decide to give it a read!
More books! 21 Books I Liked, 6 I Didn’t Like, and 9 I Thought Were Just Okay || 4 Best Pregnancy Books (and 2 Best Apps) || 4 Books Every Woman Should Read || Best Books to Gift
I really enjoyed that book as well. Hard to believe that something like that could happen! I switched to electronic books several years ago and have never looked back. I am an avid reader and I utilize Kindle Unlimited for many of my books and Texture for my magazines. I would love to utilize my local library more but I love to read series and that can be challenging with a library.
Does what is happening with the children at the border remind you of this book? When I read that the children have been sent to various states and they are looking for foster care, it scares me and makes me wonder if when happened then could happen now.