I’m fair-skinned. There is no denying that. So when I’m looking at items to bring on a beach vacation, I have to remember to bring things that I can wear in the hottest hours of the sun as extra protection against sunburns. Because no one wants to look like a lobster.
When we go to the beach, I always pack a hat, a cute coverup, and long sleeves in case I feel like I’m getting too much sun. I used to be embarrassed that I had to cover so much of my skin, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that taking care of myself is more important than what my sun-loving companions think! That’s why I also make sure I’m using SPF30 or higher, depending on the time of day and how far into the summer it is. (In the winter, I use SPF15-30 on my face every day!)
What are your Summer essentials?
I hear you on the fair skin… I am always hiding from the sun! 🙂