When I started blogging (in May 2012), it was because I needed a creative outlet to share things I loved. I was taking a very introspective class at the time as part of my MBA, and I realized…
Bags and Booties
I love what Helene and Tay are doing with Blogtober, so I’m joining in with my own little version and linking up with them. The challenge is to blog every day in October, so we’ll see how I do! Today-…
Red Rock Canyon
I promise to share details from our wedding soon, but today I’m sharing some snapshots from our honeymoon. I still have honeymoon brain and can’t even fathom how I’m going to feel Monday morning (#allofthecaffeine). Because we travel so much,…
What’s in my bag: Travel Edition
I’m always intrigued by the “what’s in my bag” series popular magazines share, so when U by Kotex asked me to talk about their Save the Undies campaign again, I thought it was a great opportunity to share what’s in…
Packing Better 101
I have a confession: I’ve never been an efficient packer. I’m one of those people who grabs things as they’re walking out of the house and shoves those (mostly unnecessary) items into whatever free space is left. That meant that…
What If You Fly?
For over a year I’ve been working on a really exciting project, and I can’t wait to share it when we go live with our beta launch on the 15th (psst- come back and see what it is!). I’m still…