On Saturday we visited the Stone Zoo for the first time as guests of Fidelity and MEFA. It was the cutest event: Kids wore their Halloween costumes, and we went around the zoo viewing the animals – but also trick-or-treating!…
Why You Don’t See My Daughter’s Face
A couple of people have asked me about this via DM, so I thought I’d share the reasoning. No, you haven’t seen her face in a while (since just before her first birthday, to be exact). And yes, that is…
The Weekend 5
I used to do a “round up” style of posts on Fridays, and I’m bringing it back today. Here are 5 random things on my mind… Happy weekend! The Weekend 5 #1. We’ve been in the house now almost a…
(Not Fully) Moved In! Renovation Update
Exciting news from RenovationStation: We moved in! So… it’s echoey (we have no curtains and no rugs on the first floor) and we’re still getting used to it, but we’re so glad to be here! It was a long summer…
How to Encourage Your Child’s Interests
Do you remember one particular class or book or person who shaped your future career? In third grade we did a unit on penguins. I loved it. Like, LOVED IT. So I started seeking out any book or show –…
My New Work Tote
Sometime last spring I accidentally ripped the handle off of my everyday tote. We were headed into the summer months, so I happily switched out my bag to my summer tote and didn’t think about it again until the week…