Today’s post is all about the best of the best: home, fashion, and beauty!
Merry Christmas
Just popping in to say… from my family to yours, Merry Christmas!
When to Slow Down
Years ago I had a mantra for those times when I was feeling not-so-hot but had a full schedule. “Just get through x… just get through y…” I would say to myself.
Great Last-Minute Gifts
We’ve all been there – you thought you got gifts for everyone on your list, and then you realize that you were wrong. So what do you do?
Stocking Stuffers
I’ve heard that stocking stuffers are a stressful Christmas purchase, but they shouldn’t be! Stockings should be where you put those fun little gifts that feel too small to stand on their own but are still things you really want…
Our 2016 Christmas Card
A few years ago I decided to start sending out Christmas cards from our little family, mainly so I could put Sprout front and center. While last year’s cards went out the day after Thankgsiving (#aggressive), this year’s went out a little…