Boston is a very laid back city, where jeans and a t-shirt can go pretty much anywhere. Casual style is the name of the game here.
What I Learned the Year I Turned 30
Yesterday I turned 31. I’m officially past what is (in my mind right now) the biggest birthday. Turning 30 was definitely something I was not thrilled about, but in many ways this was my biggest year of personal growth. I…
Birthday Wish List
Guys, I made it a whole year being 30 (almost – my birthday is this weekend)! To celebrate that, here’s what’s on my wish list this year:
Hiking Bryce Canyon
Did you miss Part One? Read that first, then come back to read about hiking Bryce Canyon! To get to Bryce Canyon (about a 2 hour drive from Zion), we had to drive through Zion National Park, which was an experience.
2 Days in Zion National Park
This post turned into a pretty long post about our National Parks trip really fast, so I’m breaking it into parts. Today’s is our experience spending 2 days hiking at Zion National Park, Wednesday’s post will be about Bryce Canyon, and then…
Desert Pearl Inn Review: Zion and Bryce
T and I are back from our vacation, which included 4 days in Southern Utah for hiking at Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon. I’m continuing my #50before50 and checking Utah off the list! Today’s post is our suggestion on where…