One of my favorite Christmastime traditions is to send out cards to our friends and family. Last year we used a photo from our wedding, and this year we’re using a photo from a little family photo shoot we did…
Life Lately
I like to look back at my Instagram feed and see what happened this week/what was on my mind. We got our Christmas tree on Saturday and it smells amazing! We went for a Frasier Fir this year, and I’m…
On Freelance Writing
Being published in a magazine was a dream of mine when I was in my pre-teens, which I had forgotten about until I recently found a list of life goals going way back to 2000 (um, how was that so long…
On My Wishlist
Every year I struggle with what to put on my wish list for Christmas, because I am terrible at waiting to make purchases. This year I’m really working on not overspending, so my list is all about practical things –…
My Texas Special
The one question I get the most about Sprout is what breed he is. To be completely honest, I have no idea, so I always answer “a Texas Special”. He was born in a rescue just outside of Houston, one…
Black Friday Sales
I may be the only blogger out there who didn’t share a list of Black Friday sales earlier today, but better late than never, right? This is the first year that I have felt like the deals started early –…