T and I stopped into LL Bean a week ago to get him a raincoat, and I couldn’t get over how cute their Signature dresses are. I’ve always gone to LL Bean when I needed something super warm, but I…
May Declutter Challenge
True life: I joined an email list for decluttering tips a while ago, but it’s so focused on moms that I have a hard time following it. I don’t have bath toys to declutter, y’know? So I decided to…
Advice for College Graduates
College graduation is a crazy time. Suddenly, the past four years have flown by and you’re looking ahead to (gah) the real world. You’re leaving a place you’ve called home, the people you’ve eaten every meal with, and everything familiar…
Creating Work/Life Balance
Can I tell you something? I don’t really want “it all”. I was reading this article recently, and this line struck me: Because having it all, by its very nature, implies that you have a lot more than you can…
Spring Wishlisted
Sometimes I see a pair of shoes and can’t stop staring, and then I remind myself that just yesterday I looked at my closet and thought, “No more purchases this month.” So instead of hitting the “buy” button, I’m sharing…
4 Books Every Woman Should Read
There are four books I’ve kept on my shelf and refuse to get rid of, even after switching over 90% to the Kindle and getting rid of most of my physical books. These are four books that have offered me…