There are SO many cute shoes out right now that I’m lusting over, but I’m trying to be good and not go crazy. If I had an unlimited bank account, here’s what would be in my shopping cart pronto. (Don’t…
Looking at the Future
What were your goals when you were a sophomore in high school? In college? What about as a brand new shiny college graduate? I’ve always loved to make lists, so it should come as no surprise that I have had…
4.5 years ago I started an MBA program and was thrilled to be back in the classroom. Today, I was so excited to walk across the stage and get my degree! It was a lot of late nights, class-filled weekends,…
Recent Beauty Favorites
Is anyone else overwhelmed when they walk into Sephora? I never know where to start, so I either do one of two things: Find someone and ask a million questions, or wander into a section and just buy what I…
Upgrading Our Furniture
Why do I keep feeling like I need to wait to upgrade our furniture? We’ve lived in the same house for 4 years, and yet we have mismatched side tables in our bedroom (not on purpose). My sister and I…
Declutter Check-In
Starting a declutter challenge during finals week was probably not the best idea I’ve ever had, but I feel like I accomplished quite a bit this weekend. It’s incredible how much stuff I’ve accumulated since we bought a house: Just that…