What were your goals when you were a sophomore in high school? In college? What about as a brand new shiny college graduate?
I’ve always loved to make lists, so it should come as no surprise that I have had a list of life goals since early in high school. During my decluttering project I found a notebook that held one of these lists, and while some of the items are ones I have completed since 2003 (like getting my MBA and staying in touch with my closest friends), others are no longer goals of mine. And that’s okay!
The ladies of TheBBar posed two questions for this month’s linkup: What are you doing now to prepare for your future? And what do you think you should start doing to create a better future for yourself?
I’m answering both questions with one of the best pieces of advice I got in business school:
Revisit your goals often.
Your priorities are going to change, and you should be surprised if they don’t. You just have to remember that it’s okay to change with them. Who you want to be at 25 may not be who you want to be at 40. Over time you will evolve. Just make sure you are evolving in a positive direction, making changes to better your future. (I know, easier said than done, right?)
Great message! Truly, the only constant is change 🙂
"Who you want to be at 25 may not be who you want to be at 40. Over time you will evolve." Exactly! Being open to adapting to your circumstances will help you make the most of your life.
I love that idea that our goals change and we should be ready for it! So perfect!
I love that idea that our goals change and we should be ready for it! So perfect!
I couldn't agree more when you say that we need to evolve in a positive direction. I struggle with longterm goals, because things seem to change faster than I reach them, but I think if you stick with the mindset of positivity, you will be hard-pressed to fail.
26 and Not Counting
That is so true!
I totally agree- like Joyce said above, the only constant is change!
If you're achieving your goals (even if they change a little bit), who cares when you reach them? Make sure you celebrate your achievements!
Just found your blog and love it already! Goals definitely change daily and it's hard to make them all stick when you have such a busy schedule. However, writing them out does keep you on track!
PS: Me and my friend have started a blog and we are completely new to this. Our blog is called All Around the Midwest: a Food and Travel Bog at http://www.allaroundthemidwest.weebly.com. We will be traveling to several locations through out the midwest states visiting and blogging about our experiences. Check it out and let us know what you think!